[Startup] AarogyaAI: Fighting against TB using technology

Source: AarogyaAI

AarogyaAI is on a mission to save lives by strengthening fight against Tuberculosis (TB) in India. AarogyaAI enables physicians to take informed decision by combining genomics (study of DNA) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) to arrive a precision diagnostics that supports deciding correct combination of antibiotics for drug resistant TB.

AarogyaAI uses se a DNA sequence from the patient which is uploaded to the SaaS. The machine learning algorithm then gives an output report of the comprehensive drug susceptibility status of the patient. AarogyaAI also aims to diagnose drug-resistant TB quicker (in a few hours) so that a patient can be prescribed effective treatment, instantly.

In India today, Tuberculosis affects nearly 2.7 million people each year, and thousands of people die because of it. Even though tuberculosis is curable, a delayed diagnosis of drug-resistant tuberculosis can mean patients are on ineffective medication for up to 7 years. 

In the long run, AarogyaAI aims to predict the patterns of evolution of the bacteria and future drug resistance patterns. Their data analytics dashboard will provide valuable insight into bacterial phylogeny, its geographical influences amongst other statistics. This would greatly benefit public health programs in strategically placing PHCs as well as pharma companies to improve supply chain logistics and drug development.


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